Reserve your space for the 2024 Lenten Retreat at New Skete



8:00 AM - Matins (morning service) Holy Wisdom Temple

9:00 AM - Registration & lite continental breakfast

9:45 AM - Brother Christopher - Welcome and general preview of the day

10:00 AM - Sister Rebecca - Exploring the Transformative Healing Power of Seeking Beauty in Creation - We live in these turbulent times! Suffering can give rise to soul yearning.

God implanted a lingering “nostalgia” deep in the human heart and soul so that our incomplete and broken humanity would long for and seek the BEAUTY, truth, and goodness of God. Such nostalgia is fulfilled by penetrating and contemplating the mystery of creation.

This presentation will reflect on beauty in creation, which has within itself the potential energies of New Life, enabling healing and wholeness. It emerges when we direct our attention and embrace co-creating with God in the practice of an art form of beauty, involving our bodies—eyes, ears, touch, fragrance, taste—and our innermost aesthetic sense to perceive the Holy One in the unveiled beauty of our inner souls.
Ultimately, this can be seen as an invitation to recognize and appreciate the profound impact that beauty can have on individuals and society. Our efforts to seek and cultivate beauty in various forms can help bring about positive change and inspire moral and spiritual growth, which ultimately contributes to the betterment of the world.

12:00 PM - Lunch in silence

1:15 PM - Tersext (mid-day service) Holy Transfiguration Temple

1:45 PM - Personal time for silent meditation, walking, or self-guided hiking.

3:00 PM - Brother Christopher & Br Theophan - *Finding the Still Center at the Eye of the Storm *****- How to deal with adversity constructively in our spiritual lives (teachings interspersed with several guided meditations).

5:00 PM - Vespers with Healing (evening service) Holy Wisdom Temple

Overnight accommodations are not included in the retreat.
To reserve a room at the Monks' guest house or the Nuns' guestroom
click here.

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