The Parish Council conducted a secret ballot to nominate 1 older member and 1 young adult per instruction from the District, and then agreed through a strong consensus on both. As an annual award, there will be more opportunities in the future to nominate others. George Paparis and Daphne Hartch were honored at a District Leadership Banquet on June 6th. They were nominated by the Parish Council for their devotion and many contributions to our parish.
Congratulations to George and Daphne. Well-deserved!
Further, here is the message we agreed to send for our share in the Commemorative Album:
“In the spirit of Christ who came to serve rather than to be served, and who sacrificed his life for the sake of everyone and everything, may this inaugural event be blessed by our risen Lord as we lift up both older and younger models of authentic Christian leadership that springs from searching faith, sincere commitment, and humility that does not seek recognition.”
— Archangels Church, Stamford CT