What’s New This Week
Join us as we discuss how we navigate times of stress together as married couples. Get ready to laugh as some of the answers may surprise you!LISTEN HERE.
St. Paul begins his discourse on likening the mystery of marriage to the relationship of Christ and the church with an exhortation for husband and wife to be subject to/submit to one another (Eph. 5:21-33). How are you and your spouse maturing in “love and holiness” through submitting to one another daily?Quote taken from the book “Practicing Resurrection”.
My husband and I started cultivating a small vegetable garden a few years ago and this year we planned in enough advance to start most plants from seeds, rather than buying seedlings from a nursery. Witnessing the entire life cycle of a plant from start to finish has me considering my role as a caregiver to our young adult son with disabilities.When seeds are just sprouting they need…continue reading.