July 16, 2024
Good afternoon,
Yesterday, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America gave the invocation at the Republican National Convention. His Eminence’s invocation at the Republican National Convention continues the long-standing, traditional invitation for the Archbishop of America to give an invocation at both Republican and Democratic party conventions prior to the presidential election.
Archbishop Elpidophoros led the door-opening of Saint Anna Greek Orthodox Church in Salt Lake City, Utah on Saturday, July 13, 2024. See photos from the Thyranixia below, as well as updates from our Archdiocese, Metropolises, local parishes, and more!
Kindly forward this email to family and friends so that we can share with more faithful the news of our Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America!
Archbishop Elpidophoros
Archbishop Elpidophoros Delivers Invocation at 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America delivered the invocation at the 2024 Republican National Convention held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, today, Monday, July 15, 2024. After receiving a warm welcome, His Eminence prayed that our “Almighty and Eternal God…Look down now upon this gathering of our Nation’s political leaders, and grant them illumined hearts and minds, as they strive to serve their fellow citizens through this Republican National Convention.”
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From the Archdiocese
Training Program for Greek-American Teachers from Community Schools of the Archdiocese of the United States of America
The Pedagogical Institute of Cyprus, under the Ministry of Education, Sports, and Youth (MOESY), organized a training program for Greek-American teachers from the community schools of the Archdiocese of the United States of America. The program took place from July 9 to July 19, 2024.
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Department of Religious Education Launches Newly-Rebranded DRE
he Department of Religious Education (DRE) of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America launched its newly rebranded DRE at the 47th…
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From the Metropolises
Parishes & People
Photos: Mark Vrontikis
Archbishop Elpidophoros Leads Thyranixia of St. Anna Greek Orthodox Church in Salt Lake City, Utah
On Saturday, July 13, 2024, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America led the Thyranixia (door-opening) of St. Anna Greek Orthodox Church in Salt Lake City, Utah. The community warmly welcomed His Eminence to joyfully celebrate the opening of the doors of the church.
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Read More Parish Highlights Here
Affiliates & Others
OCF Announces New Campus Staff for Arizona State University and the Greater Atlanta Area
Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) is thrilled to announce the expansion of its Campus Missionary Initiative, with new full-time staff at Arizona State University and in the Greater Atlanta area starting fall 2024.
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The Orthodox Observer Recommends
The Orthodox Observer Recommends is a new initiative of the GOARCH Communications Department. Each week, a team member will share something we’ve been reading, listening to, watching, or discussing together!
The Body of Christ: A Place of Welcome for All People, Including People with Disabilities is a 16-page booklet written by Fr. John Chryssavgis that provides an introduction to ministry to people with disabilities from an Orthodox Christian perspective. Chryssavgis describes the Church as a place of hospitality and welcome – a place of inclusion – for all people, insisting that all members of the Church make up the Body of Christ as a community of persons with a variety of complementary gifts.
From Sara: “I was first inspired to read this pamphlet when I worked as a job coach for people with disabilities. A job coach assists people with disabilities at their workplace to demonstrate the soft and hard skills necessary to maintain competitive employment. My clients were independent, hardworking, and determined to live and work as any non-disabled person did. I wanted to support my clients in any way possible without overstepping and allowing them to take full authority over their careers.
This book provided me with guidance that I could utilize to show up best for my clients to ensure they achieve their employment goals on their terms and with their own authority. In this pamphlet, Fr. Chryssavgis effectively and compassionately outlines the various ways to minister to people with disabilities and bring all people fully into the arms of the Church and larger society. There are legal mandates to ensure inclusion, like the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the first comprehensive civil rights legislation to protect people with disabilities, but there are commandments from our Lord that compel us to ensure we love our neighbor and treat them no differently than a non-disabled person (without prejudice or condescension).
As Fr. Chryssavgis says, ”For you are all one in Christ . . . There is no such thing as Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female, [and St. Paul could quite easily have added] disabled or non-disabled’ (Gal. 3.28). We should all promote and work sincerely for a Church where there is ample room for all. After all, this is the literal meaning of the Greek word for forgiveness (syn-chore-sis). The Church should have a breadth that makes all its members comfortable, and where no member is stifled or excluded.'”
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