
St. Phoebe Center Quarterly Newsletter

In This Newsletter The Ordination of Deaconess Angelic Molen The African Women’s Grant Write to Deaconess Angelic and Her Hierarchs Upcoming Events July 2: GOA Clergy-Laity Panel “Women in Orthodoxy: Past, Present, and Future Roles” July 9: Information Session on St. Phoebe Feast Day Service Event September 3: St. Phoebe’s Feast Day “The Need for [...]

Deaconess Angelic, Metropolitan Serafim, and the Patriarch of Alexandria

 I attended the live, zoom event and was deeply impressed by the authenticity of Carrie’s first hand witness of a wonderful woman ordained as deacon in Africa, the sound reasoning of Carrie's approach to the restoration of women deacons, and the depth of Metropolitan Serafim, the ordaining bishop.  — Fr. Harry   In case you [...]

Center for Family Care: What Unites Husband and Wife the Most?

June 14, 2024 What's New This Week Appreciation is often overlooked and/or taken for granted by couples in the midst of the responsibilities of daily life. However, it is a key to genuine connection and unity in marriage. For the next week, practice the discipline of expressing appreciation to your spouse 3 times/daily; then discuss [...]

National Day of Remembrance for the Pontian Genocide

May 21, 2024 Good afternoon, Χριστός Ανέστη! Christ is Risen! The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese remembers the Pontian Genocide on the National Day of Remembrance, May 19, 2024. May their memory be eternal. The Orthodox Observer congratulates the 2024 class of Hellenic College Holy Cross. We are proud of the new generation of Orthodox Christians trained [...]

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