Family Friendly Resources for Lent
Why does the priest veil his head while carrying the Holy Gifts in the Great Entrance during Pre-Sanctified Liturgy? Watch this week’s “Snapshots” to find out!
Why does the priest veil his head while carrying the Holy Gifts in the Great Entrance during Pre-Sanctified Liturgy? Watch this week’s “Snapshots” to find out!
New Skete Monastery is a treasure of ancient Christian spirituality in a user-friendly contemporary form that is, in my opinion, the most accessible introduction to Orthodox monasticism in America. I benefited a lot from my earliest encounters while in Seminary (1977-1980), and have seized the opportunity in this area to reconnect after being away from New England for [...]
Young adults enjoyed homemade Lenten meal and fellowship on Tue, March 15. Organized by Nick Carey & Felicia Varvaras (on left)
A couple of things for our Celebration on March 27th and preparation-rehearsal the 23rd : 1. Next Wednesday , March 23rd , it would be nice if all Greek school students can come in person for the final rehearsal . The students that have regular classes Wednesdays, will meet on the regular time . (3:30-5:30 for [...]
Beloved Brothers, The administrator at Saint Michael’s Home has resigned and the Board of Trustees is actively looking for a replacement. His Grace Bishop Andonios has asked me to reach out to the Clergy of our Archdiocesan District to see if we know of an appropriate candidate that we can recomend to apply for [...]
The Salvation Army was grateful to receive the Baby Essentials generously contributed by our Parish.
Please post and feature prominently with this note: Nick and Felicia desire to reinvigorate Young Adult ministry for everyone in the surrounding area, especially after we have been physically separated throughout the pandemic. Social media Instagram page~ @breakingbread.ct Feel free to spread the word to friends and RSVP in advance so that we properly prepare [...]
The District Philoptochos Retreat hosted here last Saturday was a tremendous success: about 120 women from the tri-state area, many early for the Liturgy and Memorial; warm reception; engaging presentation & dialogue led by Presvytera Kerry on “Compassion”, and concluding with a delicious luncheon. Congratulations to our own Philoptochos for a masterful job!