Center for Family Care Weekly Update 4/1/23
What's New This Week Join us as we explore how to make and keep healthy boundaries with our loved ones in our upcoming webinar featuring Paul Karos. Register here. In this week's "Comfort Food for Families" episode, Pres. Melanie DiStefano talks about the spiritual practice of fasting from food and how it helps to create [...]
IOTA-2023 Volos: Opening Day Highlights
This is the 2nd conference in Volos that I’m attending this week. Both have been extraordinary and will help me grow as a person and pastor to serve you and our area better. With love in our Lord, Fr. Harry January 12, 2023 International Orthodox Theological Association Conference Opens in Volos, Greece Conference participants at [...]
[FAMILYMINISTRY] We are Wonderfully Made!
What happens when we disobey and know we have done something wrong? Join us this week as we learn what to do and what not to do after we make a mistake using Adam and Eve as an example! To download the family journal guide visit: Alex & Emily talk about [...]
Family Ministry Update
This week on Soak Up the Son we learn about how the Lord is our shepherd and the significance of the rod and staff! Join us as we walk with God! To download the family journal guide visit:
Philoxenia, Inc. fed thousands of individuals in New York City during 2021
This is just another extraordinary report on how the Mission & Outreach Committee of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in New Rochelle has developed and flourished as a substantive, endowed, Christ-centered ministry that continues to attract support from wide and diverse persons and groups the tri-state area. Under Despina’s inspiring leadership, Philoxenia is a shining beacon to coordinate Orthodox Christians to increase their works of mercy to the poor and powerless during Great Lent [...]