Center Co-Directors George Demacopoulos and Aristotle Papanikolaou gave a series of lectures last year at the Eagle River Institute of Orthodox Christian Studies in Eagle River, Alaska. Professor Demacopoulos’s lecture “Tradition Without Fundamentalism: Part 1” is now available for listening.  

To learn more about this topic, please read Professor Demacopoulos’s essay“Orthodox Fundamentalism” on the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese blog and listen to the follow-up podcast on Ancient Faith Radio, “Orthodox Fundamentalism: What is it and does it exist?” The podcast has also been translated into Russian.

Discussion surrounding Professor Demacopoulos’s essay inspired the theme of the 2016 installment of the Center’s Patterson Triennial Conference series, “Tradition, Secularization, Fundamentalism.” You can listen to an interview about the conference on Ancient Faith Radio or read about the eventon the Fordham News site.