Ladies Philoptochos Membership
Dear Parish Ladies,
We pray that this letter finds you and your family safe and healthy. It is at the beginning of the New Year that we ask our members to renew their membership for our Philoptochos Society and if you have not been a member to please consider joining us. As you know our Ladies Philoptochos Society is the Philanthropic arm of our parish. We help the poor, sick, elderly, disabled veterans and others in our community, our country and across the world. Our response is always timely when disaster strikes – we reach those in need in our city, state, the U.S., Greece or any part of the world.
Our Archangels Philoptochos is blessed that many of the ladies of our parish are paying Members. We count on the support of our members who devote their time, talents and resources to enable our chapter to help those in need. This year we were not able to hold our various fundraising events such as the annual Turkey Bingo, Palm Sunday Bake
Sale and our bi-annual Tag Sale. We were still able to continue with our Vasilopita Breads and held a coat drive! Despite the limitations this year due to the pandemic we still were able to donate over $18,000 to various charities AND in addition with your help and generosity able to donate over $6,000 to our local Food Bank! We cannot do this without your support and generosity.
To be effective we ask for the active support and participation of all the ladies of our Archangels parish. Please join us as we continue to put our faith into action through our ministry. We welcome your participation in Philoptochos no matter how much time you can commit. Members can contribute in many ways – bake goods at home, serve coffee after Sunday Service, help at fundraising events, give a monetary gift or help with collection of items needed for fundraisers.
Please renew your membership for the upcoming year and ask if you have not been a member that you consider joining us this year. Your ideas, support and participation are valued and always welcomed.
All the best to you and your family for a Blessed, Happy and Healthy New Year,
Cynthia Pappas Mixcus
One Woman Asking another Woman to Care, Invite, Embrace and Involve”
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