Tuesdays, February 16 through March 23
7:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m.
The Rev. Masud Ibn Syedullah TSSF
Brother Thomas, novice-monk
The Rev. Canon Dr. Peter B. Stube, TSSF
Additional Information
Although this series is not specifically about addiction, we highly recommend participants to read Addiction & Grace, by Gerald May, M.D. It will be foundational for in-depth discussion and thought on disordered loves. We ask participants to have read the Preface and Chapter 1 & 2 prior to the first session.
Conference includes six sessions, 1 1/2 hours each. Each session includes presentations, “break out” time for small group reflection and discussion, and debriefing time.
Pre-Registration required by February 15, 2021
Webinar Fee $150 per person
Click here for more information and to Pre-Register.
New Skete is an Orthodox Christian monastic community 3 hours north in Cambridge, NY, with separate campuses for both men and women, and an active outreach to the ecumenical community.  Some in our Bible Study groups have attended onsite retreats in the past.  Here is a good opportunity that anyone can access.  By the way, Fr. Steven Zorzos, native son of Archangels and pastor of St. Sophia Cathedral in the nations’ capital, wrote a thesis for his Doctor of Ministry degree at St. Vladimir’s Seminary that explored sin (in general) an addiction. Â