Philoptochos’ News


Welcome to the 2021/22 Ladies Philoptochos’ New Year.      

Our mission this year will be giving back to our local community – church community, businesses, and local Charities


Giving Raffle

The Giving Raffle will start this Sunday.   Through many donations from our Philoptochos and church members we were able to make 8 baskets over $200.  Many of the items coming from local and parish owned businesses.   Philoptochos will be selling raffle tickets at the church after services.   You may also fill out the attached form and drop it and a check in the Philoptochos’ Mail slot in the church’s office and we will put your raffle tickets in for you.  Lara Paschalidis  can also help you with your purchases at



In the November meeting we continued our mission by giving to the following:

$500 Orthodox Christian Mission Center – support Steven and Theophany Sariganis’ Missionary work in Albania

$350 Food Bank

$500 New Covenant House in Stamford

$400 Malta House in Norwalk

$250 Pajama Program in New York City (provides PJ & Storybooks for children who have lost loved ones)

$250 Fairfield County Hospice house in Stamford

$250 St. Vincents Mission in Appalachia

$500 Memorial fund for a Young man with no health insurance who was seriously injured in a hit and run accident



Vespers services are this Sunday at 6:00 PM.   Volunteers are needed after coffee hours on Sunday to help set up tables and food offerings for the evening event.   Volunteers are also needed for clean-up after the reception.   Please Let Annie Konidaris or Cassie Mac Farlane if you can help



If you have not renewed your members for the 2021 year, please fill out the following form and send it or drop it off to the church.    You can also join by clicking  – please pick Philoptochos Membership on the drop down menu.


Archangels Ladies Philoptochos Society

Minutes of November 2, 2021 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by President Eugenia Zavras at 7:12 pm. Father Harry and 16 members were in attendance. We welcomed and were pleased to see several new and returning members!!

Treasurer Connie Begetis shared that there is $10,556 in the chapter’s checking account; $6,389 in the Memorial Fund and $4,848 in the money market account. Eugenia reported for Marion Vanson that the recent Gold and Silver Sale brought a profit to our chapter of $1,360, which is included in the checking account total above.  Congratulations and thanks go to Marion Vanson, who single-handedly organized and chaired this event!

Eugenia said we now have 40 paid Philoptochos members. At the end of the meeting, two new members paid their stewardship contributions to Philoptochs, bringing membership for 2021 to 42. We continue to accept payment for 2021. A new membership drive will begin in January for 2022 and we are hoping to attract many more members!! Remember that most of the contribution goes to national and district Philoptochos.

Next, Annie Konidaris and Cassie MacFarlane updated us on the plans for the Archangels feast day reception this Sunday, Nov. 7th, following the vesper service at 6 pm. Volunteers are needed after coffee hour on Sunday to help set up tables and food offerings for the evening event. Volunteers also are needed for clean-up after the reception.

The Philoptochos Giving Basket raffle will take place for the next few Sundays after church. All profits from the ticket sales will benefit local charities. The raffle baskets are being offered in place of the annual Turkey Bingo charity event, which had to be postponed again due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope this very popular family event will return in 2022. Please sign up to sell Giving Basket raffle tickets. The drawing will be Sunday, Dec. 12th. For more information, please contact Lara Paschalidis. Here is the link to sign up to sell raffle tickets:

Sell tickets

Philoptochos  members will be passing a tray on Sunday, Nov. 14th to benefit the Patriarchate. It is also national Philoptochos Sunday and Father Harry will offer a prayer blessing the work of Philoptochos and its members.

Next, our members discussed, debated and voted to provide the following charitable donations: $500 each to New Covenant House in Stamford and the Orthodox Christian Mission Center to support Steve and Theophani Sarigianis’ missionary work in Albania; $400 to Malta House in Norwalk, which supports pregnant women and young mothers; $350 to the Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County; and $250 each to the Pajama Program in New York City, which provides pajamas and storybooks to children facing the loss of a loved one, homelessness, foster care placement and other difficult situations; Fairfield County Hospice House in Stamford and St. Vincents Mission in Appalachia. Members also voted a gift of $500 from the Memorial Fund to a young man with no health insurance who was seriously injured in a hit and run car accident.

Following this was a lively discussion about our chapter hosting some fun social activities over the coming months. We are excited that sisters Freda Stanton and Georgette Katsetos  volunteered to put together a Holiday Craft and Dinner event on Thursday, Dec. 9th beginning at 6 pm. Included in the ticket price will be craft supplies to create a holiday centerpiece.  Save the Date!  And bring your family and friends!!  This event will replace the regular December monthly meeting. An invitation with more details will be coming soon!

Father Harry closed our meeting by sharing some interesting news about the visit to NY by Patriarch Bartholomew. He informed us that the St. Nicholas shrine at Ground Zero in NYC will not open to the public until late April. He also mentioned that a permit is being sought to erect a sign with the name of our parish on the front lawn.

Father also shared that volunteers are welcome to help serve Thanksgiving lunch to the poor at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Stamford at 11 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 25th.

The meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted by

Recording Secretary Diane Sierpina