The much anticipated documentary film SPIRITUAL AUDACITY: The Abraham Joshua Heschel Story is available today on DVD, exclusively at The film is the fourth and final installment in the Prophetic Voicesfilm series that includes profiles of Reinhold Niebuhr, Howard Thurman and Dorothy Day.

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel was one of the most remarkable and inspiring religious figures of the 20th century. After narrowly escaping the Holocaust in Europe, Heschel came to the United States to start a decades-long career as a prolific and influential writer, as well as a social and political activist. He became a personal mentor to Martin Luther King, Jr and the entire Civil Rights Movement, an early voice of resistance to the Vietnam War and a pioneer in interfaith dialogue.

“It can’t be overstated how courageous Heschel was throughout his life,” says filmmaker Martin Doblmeier. “Again and again, whether it was challenging Hitler while in Germany, risking his life on the front lines during those dangerous Selma marches, or speaking out against the Vietnam War when so few had the courage to do so, Heschel found himself on the right side of history.”

SPIRITUAL AUDACITY: The Abraham Joshua Heschel Story is the first full length documentary on Heschel. It features extraordinary archival photographs and film footage, as well as remarkable interviews with Civil Rights icons Andrew Young, late Congressman John Lewis and Jesse Jackson, as well as Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Taylor Branch, celebrated Biblical scholar Walter Brueggemann, public theologian Cornel West, Heschel’s daughter Susannah Heschel and many others.

Abraham Heschel’s work The Prophets has become a modern classic, offering one the most compelling accounts of the Old Testament Saints like Isaiah and Jeremiah.  Highly recommended.